Marty Lempkin Explains The Epic Pass, You’re Gonna Love it!
First came the “Epic Pass” granting the epic cardholder access to not one, but all seven ski areas owned by Vail Resorts, then came “EpicMix” a state of the art data farming and social media experiment allowing RFID labeled (radio frequency i.d.) snow sliders to be automatically tracked, tagged and cataloged in the virtual skiing world. But now, as part of a thirty million dollar capital improvements project at Northstar at Tahoe for the 2011/2012 season, EpicMix will be made available to the skiing and riding public in the form of FLAT-GNAR The Game! That’s right, when you sign up for EpicMix the unique RFID tag in your ski pass will catalog all of your on mountain movements. It can record the number of days you ski, runs you take, the number of vertical feet you log and more. It will even award you FLAT-GNAR points in the form of “pins” or badges for different on mountain achievements. The “pins” can also be automatically displayed on your various epic social media profiles.
WTF is EpicMix Anyway!?
This year EpicMix will be incorporating another dimension to the virtual skiing experience. EpicMix Photo will allow you to upload images and video to document your ski days. Photos taken by professional on mountain photographers can also be automatically uploaded to your epic profile with a quick scan of your epic RFID tag.
Amazing, New, and Brand New, “EpicMix Photo” as Part of the EpicMix Package
Does every part of our life really need to have this sort of second life dimension to it? It’s cool to be able to document and share memories and experiences, and keeping track of your skiing stats can be fun. But don’t you get a little creeped out by how the real world is becoming so embedded with virtual layers?
(to read more about RFID technology check out this earlier post “Is KSL Frying Your Balls!?)