Riversport OKC features a variety of action sports that you can partake in. This includes surfing, whitewater rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, and…skiing? Yes, it’s possible to ski in Oklahoma City.

Inside the Riversport’s McClendon Whitewater Center is Ski OKC. The ski simulator uses low-friction fibers that are misted with water to create a surface similar to shredding on snow. The slope can move to a variety of angles, with its steepest slope being 18 degrees, and has a max speed of 14 mph.

Discover Oklahoma captured what the skiing experience is like at Riversport OKC. It shows the degrees of difficulty the simulator can pull off and how the experience can be beneficial for people that want to learn how to ski. The video from Discover Oklahoma is below.

Image/Video Credits: Riversport OKC, Discover Oklahoma

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