squaw upper mountain from far east

French Maid Dusting

A small amount of snow goes a long way right now. At least for the mind if not for the actual conditions. Either way, skiing today felt a bit more natural.

A breath of life blew through the Sierra last night. A dusting of fresh snow did the groomers some good, and it certainly lifted the spirits of many snow sliders.

squaw upper mountain from far east

The last few days at Squaw saw more traffic than recent weeks. Saturday was the busiest resulting in some degree of chaos in the tight quarters on hill, but no lift lines or traffic jams to speak of.

mayhem on red dog
Saterday's fair weather mayhem
freestyle team, red dog
Freestyle Team lining up for the kicker

Snow conditions have been pretty predictable. In the morning the freshly blown snow makes for fast fun laps and by the afternoon, if many people are out riding, the surface is scraped down in spots to the firm slab below, but you can still find edgeable snow if you chose your line thoughtfully.

Last nights dusting and cold temps left the snow feeling faster and more consistent today. Squeaking pole plants and crisp air finally provided some hint of winter on its way.

windy flag close up

High winds kept the crowds down on Sunday. It sure seemed like something was blowing in, a good sign for the weeks to come.

Waves on Tahoe

The Lake was up with the wind on Sunday. Enough so for a number of Tahoe surfers to take advantage. This was Speedboat beach around 2:00 pm. It picked up a bit more later in the day.

The fairways on the golf course in Squaw held the snow from last night’s dusting surprisingly well. The Junuary golfing season is likely over. All good signs for Tahoe right now. Fingers crossed as we wait to see what this new pattern brings.

Squaw Creek Golf Course 1/15/12
Sunday 1/15/2012
Squaw Creek Golf Course 1/16/2012
Monday 1/16/2012

If you haven’t seen the weather report yet (haha) you might want to take a look. It’ll make you happy.

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