Photo Credit: skiunion.mpora

That’s right groms, here’s your chance. There’s four events scheduled in the 2012 Revolution Tour this year, and the west coast stop will be held at Northstar between January 9-13th, 2012. This is your opportunity to make a lasting impression on the world of competitive skiing and the greater ski industry. The competition offers snowboarding and freeskiing events at each of its tour stops.

The Revolution Tour is in its eighth season as a space where aspiring skiers and riders can compete on a national stage. U.S. Snowboarding and Freeskiing Event Manager Nick Alexako shared, “With the addition of slopestyle skiing and snowboarding, and halfpipe skiing to the Olympics, it’s definitely making this coming season exciting for the Revolution Tour because the kids have an understanding that if they do well on the Tour, they have a direct path to Olympic qualification.” “Athletes competing at the Revolution Tour have a shot at qualifying for the Sprint U.S. Grand Prix series, which is an Olympic team qualifier.” 

Photo Credit: snowboarding.transworld

What’s crazy, and should get any interested  youngsters training asap, is that the Revolution Tour’s top  male and female athletes all have an opportunity to qualify for the USASA Nationals spots, the US Open, Project Gold Team, Sprint U.S. Grand Prix,  and the Aspen Open.

Here’s a look at the 2012 U.S. Revolution Tour:

Dec. 19-22 Copper, CO (Rocky Mountains)
Events: Halfpipe snowboarding, slopestyle snowboarding, halfpipe skiing, slopestyle skiing

Jan. 9-13 Northstar at Tahoe, CA (West Coast)
Events: Halfpipe snowboarding, slopestyle snowboarding, halfpipe skiing, slopestyle skiing, skier-cross, snowboarder-cross

Jan. 30-Feb. 3 Otsego Resort, MI (Mid-West)
Events: Halfpipe snowboarding, slopestyle snowboarding, halfpipe skiing, slopestyle skiing, skier-cross, snowboarder-cross

March 13-16 Mount Snow, VT (East Coast)
Events: Halfpipe snowboarding, slopestyle snowboarding, halfpipe skiing, slopestyle skiing

Photo credit: redbullusa

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4 replies on “Attention All Ripping North Tahoe Groms | Wanna Impress The Ski Industry? | The 2012 U.S. Revolution Tour, January 9-13th, Northstar-at-Tahoe”