The things we do for the powder. After being stuck in traffic for an hour and a half to get home last night it was time to jump back in the car and wait two more hours to get to the hill today. I guess I shouldn’t have hit the snooze button so many times. It ended up being super worth the wait. Some people didn’t have to wait, because they were slick enough to camp out in the Cliff Lodge for the last night. Nice work Brady San.

For anyone who did not skip work today it was ultra cold on the hill today. My nose turned white two times and I am sure somebody got some serious frostbite today. The summit temps were somewhere around 0 to -10 with some steady wind. The Baldy hike was about as tough as I have ever experienced in ten seasons here due to the cold.

It was a great day of riding with friends all over the hill, with Dave Sadr and Dave Drulard from Da Kine and Black Diamond ripping the hell outta the Cirque and Baldy all day. The cold did not effect these guys at all.

Mineral opened at about 2:30 and was probably epic. (See article.) I didn’t get to drop into the tasty Mineral due to a commitment to pick my lady up at the airport at 4:30pm. After a short hour drive down the canyon the day was done. It was still pounding snow up there and I would expect tomorrow to be another Powder Frenzy!

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