(Last June, Vanessa Aadland skied off Mt. Superior naked. Is this going to inspire girls everywhere to ski naked this season? We think so… – Unofficial)
The bar has been raised! VANESSA AADLAND SKIED MT. SUPERIOR NAKED THIS MORNING!!! It was a long time coming, but I am willing to bet that Vanessa is the first person to ski Superior TOP TO BOTTOM NAKED ever. She is certainly the first female to do it NAKED on JUNE 1st!!! My questions now is how many GNAR points does she get?
I think this takes the game to a whole new level. Skiing a 3,000 vert backcountry line with serious avalanche danger BN is a game changer. I would also like to CALL OUT THE LADIES and GENTLEMEN OF SQUAW! Vanessa is CRUSHING ALL OF YOU AT YOUR OWN GAME… It is going to be great to see more ladies follow Vanessa’s lead and take their skiing to the BN level. Let us know what you think by commenting below on Vanessa’s achievement…