Crested Butte Mountain Resort is home to what is widely-recognized as the steepest cut run in the entirety of the United States. Its called Rambo and slope holds a consistent 55-degree pitch with obstacles like small trees and moguls peppered throughout. It is s notoriously unforgiving and honestly a bit masochistic. Professional skier Drew Peterson makes a yearly jaunt down Rambo, here’s how he skis it:
Crested Butte Ski Patrol has an amazing sense of humor and has drawn up some pretty funny trail signs for Rambo in the past like this one which anthropomorphizes the legendary ski run with a question and answer session:

Q&A with RAMBO:
Q: So, you’re Crested Butte’s most difficult ski line?
A: Oh no, not by a long shot. I’m not nearly as hard as anything off Skadi Ridge…or half the stuff you can ski from NF Cliffs to 3rd Bowl. I just got labeled as “North America’s steepest cut run” and now I’m a GoPro magnet, ha ha.
Q: Well, you must off good skiing then?
A: No, wouldn’t say that. I mostly offer challenging side slipping and minimal turns between thickets of overgrown vegetation, stumps and rocks. That’s kinda my deal.
Q: Well, why are you so popular Rambo?
A: I have no idea. Why are the Kardashians so popular? People just love me, even though I’m mean. SKI WITH CARE
Crested Butte is full of extremes to hang your bragging rights on, and Rambo is the iconic steep, fast and bumpy unicorn. Often referred to as the steepest lift-serviced tree-cut run in the U.S., Rambo gets a lot of hype with its continuous fall line and sheer drop. Ski Powder Rock Glade or Hawks Nest to a cat track to get there. You can side-step the first 15 boney feet if you’re not comfortable with hopping around prominent rocks. After the initial drop, follow the natural moguls and look for the flow of the trees. The right side tends to be a little easier, left is steeper.

images from Redditor huckl3b3rry