There’s nothing like a terrifying monster on the slopes to get you skiing or snowboarding faster than you every have before!
Okay, maybe this 10-foot yeti isn’t all that scary (and the costume is pretty goofy), but using it to surprise unsuspecting victims on the mountain is at least brilliant for a video. Plus the snowboarder in the first clip seems properly spooked.
According to the comments, this went down at Mountain Creek Resort in New Jersey. Seems like the guy at least permission from the lifties to do this, as he’s sitting right under the top lift shack, but who knows how the actual resort management would have reacted…
The video was made by comedian Jay Karl, or the Scary Snowman. He typically scares people in a large snowman costume, standing still until the last minute to get the best reactions possible, but he frequently explores other ways to get people to laugh at themselves.