Yellow paintball paint on a sign inside Joshua Tree National Park.
Yellow paintball paint on a sign inside Joshua Tree National Park. Credit: NPS

JOSHUA NATIONAL PARK, California – Three German tourists were cited for firing paintballs at signs, dumpsters, and bathrooms throughout Joshua Tree National Park on August 4. According to a press release from the park, the three individuals were in violation of  36 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 1, 1.4, or vandalizing, defacing, or destroying property.

Video tour of Joshua Tree National Park

Defacing or altering the NPS landscape, no matter how small, is against the law. It diminishes the natural environment that millions of people travel the world to enjoy. The park is regularly tasked with removing graffiti of all types, using time and resources that could be better dedicated to other priorities.” – said Joshua Tree National Park Acting Chief Ranger Jeff Filosa.

The maximum punishment for the violation is a $5,000 fine and/or up to 5 months in prison. Both slingshots and paintball markers are banned inside the park. A park ranger patrolling the Jumbo Rocks Campground area discovered the yellow paintball marks on August 4, and law enforcement rangers were called to investigate.

When confronted, the visitors admitted to using paintball guns on sings and structures within the park. A slingshot was found in plain view inside a vehicle, and three slingshots, a paintball marker, paintballs, and other equipment were recovered as evidence.

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