Motorized longboards and skateboards are pretty sweet. They take a lot less work and move around quickly, turning morning commutes into a fun surf down the sidewalk (I’m thinking mostly of college students right now). But they’re bulky and usually can’t be used as a regular skateboard or longboard.
Enter the REM by Limitless Propulsions, where rather than putting the motor on the board, you can put the motor in your hands. The REM is a “foldable propulsion stick” invented in Barcelona for both skaters and inline skaters. It won’t get you moving at car speeds, but it can get up to 25mph, and that’s honestly scary fast for a skateboard or rollerblades.

According to the product’s Kickstarter page, it only takes around 3-5 minutes to learn how to use this. Shift your weight to the back and bend your knees a bit, and you’ll be off. Keep in mind that this doesn’t have a brake, so you should really know how to use and stop with whatever board or skates your taking out.
Built with a mix of carbon fiber and aluminum alloy, the device weighs just around 11 pounds. That, combined with it’s collapsibility, makes for a pretty convenient and portable motor. Right now it’s available for order through the Kickstarter page, starting at €799 (around $850) for the super early bird pricing.
And if you’re wondering if it really is as cool as they claim, here’s YouTube inline stkater Ricardo Lino giving it a shot:
Related: Take Your Off-Season Training To The Max With A Braked Rollerski
Image Credit: Ricardo Lino via YouTube