Let’s be very, very clear. Feeding wild animals? Bad idea. Giving wild animals the idea that people=food can lead to dependencies and an increase in human/animal interactions. Those interactions can lead to relocation requirements, possible euthanasia of the animal, and, in the worst cases, injury or even death to a person.
Feeding moose? Also a very bad idea. Moose are not typically aggressive. Their usual move when startled is to simply flee the scene. But, if they’re harassed, tired, or hungry, they can become aggressive. An aggressive moose is not a moose you want to be around. They may charge, stomp, and/or kick you if they feel threatened, and more people are injured per year in Alaska by moose than by bears.

To go along with the conditioning that can occur when feeding animals, a moose that expects to be fed, which then isn’t fed, can turn into a very aggressive moose, very quickly. It’s also just straight up illegal to feed moose in Alaska. So, seriously, don’t feed moose and don’t let your kids feed moose.
This TikToker, Alaskan Salmon Company, wasn’t letting any of that stop him when a moose approached his door. Rather than hiding inside, hoping the moose would pass (as I would have), he chose to give the animal some food, directly from his hand. Though it took some guts to do this, you can pretty clearly hear the fear in his voice as he pets the thing’s nose. And then he goes back, grabs more food, and does it again. Absolutely crazy.
Again, don’t do this. It’s a great way to get seriously hurt. As cute as moose may be, they are not pets, and they are not your friends. Don’t touch wild animals.
Related: Moose On The Loose @ Winter Park Ski Resort
Image Credit: Alaskan Salmon Company via TikTok