Just when you thought all the idiots who get way to close to wildlife in our National Parks had gone into hibernation we this video out of Lamar Valley, Wyoming of tourist who approached 3 bedded moose to snap pictures:
“This touron walked out to 3 bedded moose in Lamar Valley who immediately stood up when they saw him approach. When the moose stood up the touron backed up a bit but stayed to get more pictures. We also saw him driving off road in his SUV rental. We spoke to him about the park rules and found out he was a Russian tourist.”
Whether its summer, fall, winter or spring…be respectful of our National Park’s wildlife and give them the room they deserve:
Here’s The National Park Service’s guide to viewing moose. The person in the above video was clearly in violation:
Give Moose Plenty of Room!
Enjoy viewing them from a distance. Stay at least 25 yards (25 m) away from moose. Cow moose are extremely defensive of their young so use extra caution around cows with calves – don’t get between a mother and her calf.