Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash

I, like any other kid, was a huge fan of snow days growing up. In elementary school, it meant my parents waking me up to tell me that I’d be spending the day sledding, drinking hot chocolate, and just generally enjoying a day off. In high school, when rumors of a snow day started the day before, I’d set an alarm for early the next day, wake up an hour earlier than I typically would, check if school was canceled, and hop in a car with some friends to slowly crawl our way to our favorite ski area.

The point is, snow days rule. Very few people in this world dislike the snow day, so why the h*ll are we thinking about ending them?

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, the doomsday scenario is coming true. Delayed starts will remain the same, with students simply arriving at school a few hours earlier. But, on what would normally be a snow day, teachers of the Albuquerque Public School system will create assignments on Google Classroom for the students to complete throughout the day.

Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

Teachers likely aren’t celebrating themselves, as the Albuquerque school system is expecting the faculty to hold online office hours for students and (worst of all) report to work when it becomes safe to do so.

Realistically, we all knew this was coming. I’m sure Albuquerque isn’t even the first public school system to implement this. But it still pisses me off. I’m out of school, I work from home, snow days don’t affect me anymore, but that doesn’t mean I’m okay with taking away such a major part of childhood just to guarantee that kids keep working. Let them have their days off!

At least in New England snow days probably won’t go away for quite a while. Work from home, you say? That’s going to be quite the challenge without power or an internet connection, isn’t it?

Randen Pederson, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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Featured Image Credit: Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

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