An Anchorage, Alaska man was alerted by his home’s smart doorbell that somebody was on the front porch.

He went to investigate, and instead of finding a person standing on the porch, he found an absolutely huge bull moose munching on his Halloween pumpkins.

Check out the video below:

“Occurred on October 26, 2018 / Anchorage- “I received a notification that there was a person at our front door but when I looked out the window it was no person it was a bull moose and he was getting a little to close for comfort. It was right before Halloween and he was there for a treat. Well, he only wanted the pumpkins we had on the porch but as I opened the door he was almost asking for the pumpkin In the corner and than he reached up and took it with his teeth.”

Most of us worry about birds and deer messing with our festive gourds, but a 1,000-pound moose? That seems like it was exclusively be an Alaskan problem…😂

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