“Story about a boy with a dream to overcome his fears and change his life forever.” –Kai Lenny

If you’re lucky enough to live in Maui, I highly recommend getting tickets to the July 10th theatrical debut of this new film produced by and starred in by legendary waterman Kai Lenny. The film explores the friendship between a homeless boy in Maui and Kai as he teaches him how to surf the infamous big wave, Pe’ahi, also known as Jaws. This looks incredible. TICKET INFO HERE.

“PE’AHI is the story of a 12 year old homeless boy who lives on the outskirts of a Native Hawaiian homeless camp. Dustin’s dream is to become a big wave rider, that can surf and conquer the world’s most dangerous wave on the planet PE’AHI aka JAWS located on the island of Maui, Hawaii. As fate would have it, he ends up meeting his idol Kai Lenny and together they take on the challenge of Dusting becoming the youngest kid to ever catch a wave at PE’AHI.”

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