Read the title of this article again- ‘Pro Skier Goes From Skateboard To Bridge Dive’. Sometimes, when I write a title like that I stop and think how somebody from the 19th  century would have absolute no clue what I was talking about.

It gives me a good chuckle imagining a hard-working factory worker’s head would explode learning that people make money by doing fun action sports. What a time to be alive.

The video was posted by Swiss pro skier Andri Ragettli. This dude is always up to some wacky stunts, and the video below is no exception.

Check it out.

Ragettli has become an unofficial G-rated member of Jackass in my opinion. He doesn’t show himself getting hurt like those guys, but I feel like he’s made as much of an audience from crazy stunts as he has his pro skiing career.

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