You’re on a hike in the woods and you spot a dead deer, what do you do? Do you try to bury it, call animal control to have it removed, or simply leave it alone? This trail camera footage, taken by wildlife officers in Colorado, shows the importance of simply leaving the carcass alone.
According to the video description, at least seven different species took part in the feast on this dead deer within a week. I, personally, only spotted bears, coyotes, and vultures in the video, but I’m not a wildlife specialist and I really don’t know my animal species, so I could be very wrong.
This video is a bit hard to watch for the weak stomached, so don’t click if you don’t like seeing animals die or the result of what that death creates.
This just goes to show why it’s so important to keep our toxic garbage and materials away from animals, as if that deer managed to make its way into some toxic trash and die from that, it could spread it to so many other animals, killing them as well.
Furthermore, that deer will decompose and more plants will grow out of its fertilizing remains, and that could become toxic as well.