Yesterday, I posted about a website with all the A-frame homes for sale right now. Well after spending far too long nitpicking homes that I have no intention of actually buying, I think we have a winner.

First off, let’s talk about the location. If you’re a reader of Unofficial you probably know by now that we are big fans of the Adirondack mountains of New York. The ADK is hugely underappreciated by East Coast skiers. Not only does the area have some great ski hills, but it’s also the size of Vermont with enough backcountry skiing to last you a lifetime.

Now about the A-frame. This place looks like a real gem. The fully renovated home has 3-bedrooms, knotty pine walls, a wood-burning stove, and lots of light & 3 decks.

Now for the kicker. The home is located just 18 minute’s drive from Whiteface Mountain. In case you don’t know, Whiteface has hosted not one but two Olympics and is one of the best ski hills east of the Mississippi River.

Listing: 67 Ceder St, Jay, NY

So what is this slice of paradise going to cost you, you ask? The listing price for renovated 1978 A-frame is $279,000 USD.

Let’s sharpen the pencil on this one. If you put down $60,000 and lock in a 30-year fixed, your total monthly payments would be in the neighborhood of $1,260 smackers. If that seems like a lot, it kinda is. But just think what this place would go for if it was on the other side of Lake Champlain in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Do It! Just Do It! You know you want to. Pick up the phone and call the broker. Do it now! This place is sick.

P.S. if any of you actually buy this place, we want an invite. We’ll bring the beers.

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