It’s about that time when bears start to emerge from hibernation, hungry and stupid. For most people, this means little to nothing. Most won’t see any bears, and, if they do, most won’t have much of a close interaction with any bears.
For Melissa Anne Kelley-Champney, however, the end of bear hibernation meant something quite different. Sharing both photos of the destruction caused and the culprit himself on Facebook, Kelley-Champney revealed that a large black bear managed to trap himself on her mud porch.
“He got himself trapped out on the mudporch- when he was finished removing the sheetrock, insulation and studs he ate the doorknob- Jon had to climb out the window and go push the door open so he could get out He was enormous considering he just came out of hibernation- well over 400 pounds.” – Kelly Anne Kelley-Champney on Facebook
According to the Miami Herald, the bear was trapped for about 45 minutes after getting stuck at around 2:30 a.m. on March 27th. For Kelley-Champney, however, the most important thing was the bears safety.
“I was never afraid for anything but his safety — black bears are very timid and he only wanted out.” – Melissa Anne Kelley-Champney
Image Credit: Melissa Anne Kelley-Champney on Facebook