“The woman was transported to Saint Anthony Medical Center at 1:40 p.m. after two CPW officers arrived on the scene. After an investigation of the area and subsequent interview with the woman, CPW officials have determined that no bear attack occurred.”

Why the hell would someone fabricate a claim about being attacked by a bear? Not sure but you could ask the woman who faked a bear attack in Golden Gate Canyon State Park and needlessly took up the time of authorities who searched a 1-2 acre area and set traps for a dangerous bear that wasn’t there.

Colorado Park and Wildlife officials have issued an official statement that no bear attack took place at Golden Gate Canyon State Park Wednesday afternoon but want to remind people that bears about to bed down for the winter and prowling for calories:

“Though no evidence of a bear was found in today’s incident, it’s important to remember that bears are now in hyperphagia, searching for calories at all times of day. This means bears are more active than any other time of year. Please remain .”

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