Snowboarding’s chief blog, YoBeat.com is no longer. The news comes to us as Brooke Geery published a weary, final blog/letter informing her audience that due to a legal battle with a former partner, she will no longer be able to operate the site.
The website started in 1997 via an AOL account and over the past two decades morphed into a highly followed, highly controversial blog about snowboarding. It was easily our favorite place to find snowboard-centric content and we’ll miss having them in the blogosphere.
God speed!
Full Letter Via YoBeat Founder, Brook Geery
Dear Dedicated Readership,
Twenty-one years. When I began this website on my AOL account, I never imagined it would last this long or take me to the places it has. But they say all good things must come to an end, and my friends, that day is today. The website you love to hate will not see any futher updates. It will remain online for the time being, but may be deleted at any time. I recommend you print out your favorite articles now or forever live in regret when they are gone.
This was not an easy decision to come to, and it was aided in large part by a legal battle with my former partner. As a result, the name Yobeat no longer belongs to me. For the record, the instagram @yobeat is no longer affiliated with this website and any merchandise you may encounter is not either. The media juggernaut and the T-shirt company have parted ways and I do not want to do anything to inadvertently promote the latter.
Instead, I aim to continue my efforts on a new platform under the name Blower Media. As of right now, it’s just a logo and some stickers, but it could be something amazing some day. Stay tuned.
Brooke Geery
Founder, Editor, Publisher, Yobeat.com.