“Anyone can play on grass on flat pitches like they do in France. That’s soccer for sissies.”
Soccer for sisses….shots fired, shots fired! This Sprinter 4×4 commercial made me smile throughout and left me wondering if this might inspire a similar “Extreme Soccer” game at a hill near you.Â
“Green slopes, cows, Lederhosen and Dirndl dresses: so many things are stereotypical of the Alps. Football wouldn’t have sprung to mind at all! Yet, a group of locals from Montafon, Austria, see things differently. According to them, the football played in France is easy – anyone can do it – so they take it one step further. Level areas the size of football pitches are rarely found in the Alps and, when you do find one, it’s usually being used for something else. This is why Extreme Alpine Soccer was invented.”