screen-shot-2017-02-17-at-8-33-08-amIf you know how tall a moose stands, you will immediately understand how deep the snow is in select places in the northeast as a parade of storms has left the region with primo conditions just in time to celebrate President’s Day weekend on the slopes. Can you say Febuburied?

Here is a sampling of some of the snow totals out east from

Sunday River: (in last nine days): 71 inches

Cannon Mountain, New Hampsire: 55 inches

Jay Peak, Vermont: 53 inches

Sugarloaf, Maine: 47 inches

Stowe, Vermont: 42 inches


Check out this before and after shot from Sugar Loaf: 


Follow Lincoln’s example and get out there and shred!


[images from, pinterest,& mountpleasantofedinboro instagram]

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