Started as a friendly, off-the-job game between pro skiers, SLVSH has suddenly morphed into a full-on media circus that is bringing the digital ski world to its knees.
SBC Skier: Catchin’ up with Matt Walker Of SLVSH
Founded by Matt Walker and Olympic Gold Medalist Joss Christensen in 2014, the game of SLVSH (pronounced slush) is skiing’s take on the tried and true game of HORSE and SKATE. Like the classic, back-alley basketball game, skiers and riders call their tricks before hand, often using their own strengths (as well as their opponent’s weaknesses) in order to put pressure on the competition. Prior to each hit, players entertain the viewer with hilarious games of rock, paper, scissors to determine who goes first and who will follow.
What follows is some of the best skiing we’ve ever seen…
However the game remains somewhat under the radar amongst the ski world. The reason for that being the unorthodox path the creators have taken when it comes to distributing their content. Instead of allowing anyone and everyone to share their premium footage, SLVSH has fostered a devoted following that waits for new videos to appear each Tuesday– solely through the SLVSH website. Using that model, Walker and Christensen have employed some of skiing’s biggest names who continue to throw down in an impromptu, organic format– all the while utilizing some of the best follow cam work in recent memory.
“The goal of SLVSH is to create an understandable, relatable ski contest that the masses can understand. We are just using the website model to fund it. I think that slopestyle and halfpipe contests will become more regimented, more rules, more boring, less fun and less lucrative for athletes.” – SLVSH Founder, Matt Walker (Quote Courtesy Of SBC Skier)
While SLVSH is still considered a loveable outsider by the big boy’s of ski media, the crew is bursting onto the scene as an independent and more entertaining alternative to formal competitive circuits like the Dew Tour and X-Games. With the release of their app, SLAPP along with their revamped website and series of SLVSH Cups— Walker and Christensen are shaking up the ski world one game of rochambeau at a time.
Grant Howard vs. Andrew Pollard
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Hugo Burvall vs. Emil Granbom
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