Snowboarder Kevin Pearce’s family business, Simon Pearce Glass Blowing, located in Quechee, Vermont is creating the trophies for Killington’s 2016 Audi FIS ski World Cup.  You may remember Kevin as the halfpipe snowboarder that suffered a traumatic brain injury while training for the 2010 Olympics. Pearce Glass has been operating out of Vermont since 1981. Interestingly the factory is hydroelectrically by the Ottauquechee River, and also serves as a showroom, restaurant, and glass-blowing demonstration facility.simon

Kevin has started non-profit organization called “Love Brain” to help people with TBIs.

“We are focusing on our core themes of Connect + Educate + Empower to build a support community to help you and those you care about to LoveYourBrain. By assisting people who’ve been affected by brain injury through our programs of LoveYourBrain Yoga, LYB camp, and our developing educational curriculum, we believe our efforts will lead to a healthier and happier world!”screen-shot-2016-11-11-at-8-09-13-am


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