Man and beast

47-year-old Russian Red Bull BASE jumper, Valery Rozov, just successfully completed a wing suit jump/fly from a 21,467 foot Himalayan peak named Shivling (which literally translates to ‘lord Shiva’s penis’) in India.

This sets a world record for the highest BASE/wing suit jump ever performed.

Valery was involved in a 30 day expedition to the top of Shivling.  The final summit push was a 6 day ascent.

Man and beast

“This was my first project in the Himalayas.  We had a few difficulties along the way, so I am really pleased that we were able to complete the jump successfully.” – Valery

Shiva’s penis is a gnarly peak and wasn’t first summited until 1974 (Everest was first summited in 1953).

Scoping the line

Valery calles himself a “BASE Climber.”  Sounds like a good deal to us.  Hiking/climbing downhill sucks.  Can you image climbing a beastly peak like this and then being back in camp in a few minutes?  Sounds nice…and scary as hell.

Valery climbin’ up
Valery flyin’ down


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