

Snow pack on Buff Pass in 1997. Photo:

It took local search and rescue teams over 2 days to reach and locate the two brothers. The two men were snowmobiling on popular Buffalo Pass during the weekend when they got caught in an avalanche Saturday night or Sunday morning. Jordan was partially buried and he was unable to get to his brother in time. His brother was buried in more than five feet of snow and his body was unresponsive when he got to him.

Buff Pass in the summer. Photo: Light Pole Clothing, Noah Wetzel

At times there was over 40 rescuers working on the search. Teams from Jackson, Routt, and Grand County all joined in on the search. The Colorado Army National Guard even brought out the helicopter to aid in help. They both had beacons and were well prepared. They are familiar with the area and live  in Fort Collins, CO.

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