View from the Headwall

While Mr. Cumstein has provided a well rounded assessment of the skiing and riding conditions, I thought I might toss up a quick video to compliment it.

Highlights of today include a new terrain park and the Headwall opening– but, as Mitch stated “It looked a little manky” which was a correct assessment. I was still drawn to the untracked and while it was a fun, the snow has suffered from the temperature inversions and control work of the ski patrol.  Lower on the mountain the Antelope Flats Terrain Park opened up to great fanfare from the short poled and wide stanced crowds.  The Park and Pipe crew does a great job every year with creating a terrain park on what they’re given- the most mellow slopes on the mountain. This year you’re able to carry speed to the drop in without any stepping, and the first jump is quite choice. Moving through the park, you’ll encounter two medium sized jumps, each with a smaller takeoff option on the skier’s left…leading into a variety of smooth jibs.  More on those another time…

For now, safely enjoy the sidecountry, partake in plenty of lift served terrain, and yield your lines the tourists and groms that will populate the slopes these holidays…as we bide our time until we can charge like we want to, in conditions that warrant it. In time, my friend, in time!

An aside from Andrew: This may end up being my least rad video of the season, but everyone should be out enjoying what we have and who we’re with. That’s what this is about. And roasting chestnuts.

PS: Tram is open for SIGHTSEEING ONLY!

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