Have you ever been worried that if you play a favorite album of music excessively that you just won’t enjoy it the same as when you first downloaded it to your ipod, computer, etc.? Well, in consideration of the present dry spell, I sometimes wonder whether I’ll get tired of the current “standard” Mammoth conditions… And then I get to the hill, get to the bottom of my first run and remark to myself (or who ever I may be riding with), “damn, that was fun!” And then, 2-3 hours later when I know I need to pack it in soon, it’s time to get to work, I’m thinking, “damn, I don’t want to leave!”
Well, today was no exception. In fact I’d say today was the best day I’ve had on the hill yet this season (and I’ve had a lot of good days so far). No, I’m not blowing smoke up your “you-know-where” – it’s just how it is. And, even though it hasn’t snowed in some time, Mammoth, like a truly great music album, just keeps getting better and better: the guns are ablazin’, terrain is expanding, the park is constantly morphing… Thinking about coming up for some laps? I think that’s a good idea.

- My hat’s off to the Grooming fleet – ripping turns on manicured groomers is definitely worth the early-bird effort.
- Cold temps not only allow for great snow-making conditions… They help maintain a higher quality of snow. We don’t have the freeze /thaw effect that you see in the spring = snow has great feel right now, less chatter.
- It’s mid-week – less folks on the runs, lot more room to let ‘em rip.
- The park – see below for further details.

- Do you know what pumice is? It’s a type of very porous volcanic rock – Mammoth is made of the stuff. It gets blown all over the place and mixes into the snow. If you’re super uptight about protecting your equipment you may want to resort to the old boards; little pumice pebbles are all over the place.
- You’re not here (or is that a pro for those of us that are?).
- Having trouble thinking of any others…

- The Super Pipe is shaped really well – maybe just a touch undervert at the moment.
- Mid-park table was rebuilt, now has 2 take-offs (15’ and 25’) – tranny matches great on both.
- Bottom booter rebuilt – she’s pushing 50’ now, hitting clean.
- New jib features added to Main.
- Snow has really great “feel” in the morning.

- New Snow: Nope, but we might get a dusting tonight.
- Base: 1′-2′
- Weather: Partly Sunny; Latest storm missed us to the South (bummer); Cold temps persist (Daytime: upper-20s to low-30s): guns in effect.
- Conditions: Man-made, groomed daily.
- Lifts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, and Panorama Gondi (top and bottom).
- Runs: Sesame Street, East and West | St. Moritz | Broadway | Mambo | Silver Tip |Stump Alley | Powder Bowl | Ralphies | Saddle Bowl | Andy’s Double Gold | Cornice Bowl| Fascination | Wall | Easy Rider | Rollercoaster
Prospects for Canyon opening this week… looking good. Little Eagle too!