Mt. Shuksan

More of the same for Mt. Baker and the PNW today.  With no new snow and cold temps the snow is as bad as it gets around here, for powder at least.  The groomers are fast, and icy, and the backcountry looks like a potato chip.  Think EAST coast and you’ll be fine.


Snow dances, ULLR, and rain dances are all acceptable ways of dealing with potato chip’ness.

Trying to stay busy….until the snow comes back…..this week.

Top of chair 8 / Blue skies, hard snow, and blue and pink… 1 pieces…

 Shot of the day:     Paul Kimbrough getting small with Mt. Baker    Photo: John Wells

The forecast looks promising for this week to bring anywhere from 5-10 inches of new snow.  It will be an added releif, but truth be told it needs to start raining, so we can get back to business and live in misery in the PNW rain that we love to complain about so much.  The skiing is good/B-/JIB/Race, but powder will be better.



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