Snowbird Tram

After about a week of wondering and guessing when the Snowbird Tram would open for the season, it looks like it will be good to go on this Thursday. (AKA Thanksgiving)  The rumor about it being another month until they could get it running due to a long lead time on a needed part is apparently false. No word on terrain yet, but I would guess Regulator, Chips and maybe Silver Fox. The Cirque is unlikely due to slides last weekend in the Mid-Cirque and Uber rocky conditions on the Traverse. Baldy would be a long shot as well since it has not been controlled yet and most people would get stuck in the thick shrubbery before they made it back to Chips.

Cool Facts about the Tram.

Update: My spies are reporting that the Tram is having some issues that might push it’s opening to Friday. Here is the message from Snowbird’s top dog Mr. Dave Fields:

Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort

Our plan right now is to set up tower pads, ropeline and signage in Peruvian Gulch tomorrow (Thursday) and try to have skiing and riding in that portion of the mountain Friday from either Peruvian or the Tram. We’ll have more info tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Happy Thanksgiving. -Dave Fields

Update: Several credible sources have notified us that one of the tram cabins (Blue) smashed into Tower 4 today during a micro burst of heavy wind. Several of the brand new scratch free windows were smashed out. Other damage is unknown at this time, but this is likely not going to be a quick fix….

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