Words and video by Colin Farrell:

There’s just something about being back on the hill and there’s something about Opening Day, no matter the conditions.

Jimmy Greenleaf kicks off the season opener with style… Watch as Jimmy and friends Jesse Lydestrom, Mikey, and Marcos return to one of their favorite places – the Mountain. Good weather, good snow, great vibes, great friends… yes, this is the life.

BTW, all this was shot with the GoPro HD Hero – can’t control most of your settings (i.e. exposure, WB, focus, etc.) but the GoPro’s simplicity of use, durability, resolution and adaptability are hard to beat.

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12 replies on “Opening Day @ Mammoth Mountain | Backflips, Frontflips, 540ºs, 360ºs, 180ºs, Screamin’ Semen, Spread Eagles, Rails, Boxes, & WORM-ROLLS”