Travis Rice was on the Conan O’Brien show last night and he sounded good.  He’s definitely got a persona going on and when he’s feelin’ it, he ends his statements by trailing out his voice in a mysteriously cool whisper and he even takes the occasionally opportunity to NOT EVEN USE the last word of a sentence.

Overall Travis did great and he’s clearly a solid ambassador for snowboarding.  TV Land likes clean cut, well spoken guys, who wear sport coats, and have a good smile.

During the show Conan shows a clip of T. Rice jumping out of a helicopter, starting a mini avalanche, ripping an AK spine, then hucking an enormous 540 off a knob.  Then Conan shows a clip of Travis getting into and out of an avalanche.  Finally, a clip of Travis breaking a branch off a dead tree and having his buddy doing a falling leaf huck-drop.  Conan loves the fact that his buddy jumps out of a tree for no reason and becomes an advocate for useless stunts to be in all Travis’ shots.

They also get into the skier vs snowboarder rivalry and rap about how it’s no fun anymore.

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