Park City Dirt Jump Park

Park City Dirt Jumps

Last week I was introduced to the Park City Dirt Jump Park by my good buddy Robert Hurley.  As you can see in the photo above this park has more dirt jumps than you can shake a stick at.  In fact there are even more jumps behind where I took this photo from.  That raises the unofficial total number of jumps to a TON!

Park City bike Park

There are lines for every ability level at this sweet ass bike park. Hurley and his buddies were hitting up the second biggest line and it looked super fun. I was unable to progress that far due to lack of skills and commitment. The big boy line on the far left of the top photo is wild looking. I was kinda bummed that nobody was stepping up to that one while we were there.

The bottom line: if you want to get your dirt jumping skills dialed in this is the Park City Dirt Jump Park is the place to go. You can knock out a boat load of laps in a couple hours and there is always a bigger line to try.

Location:  Holiday Ranch Loop Road by way of the new Firestation road.

Hours: Open dawn until dusk every day.

Check out the Website.

Park City Dirt Jump Park


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