The old and new chami paint jobs.

Le Chamois is a lookin’ a bit different this fall.  New paint job and well, that’s all.  We’ve gotta say, we liked the old barn door red and white paint job better.  It looks like a little bit of the funk got washed off the ole Chami.

Do you like the new look for Chamois?  Will the beer still taste the same with this new paint job?

The Old Chamois paint job and its People

Le Chamois opened for the first time in 1969 and we’re pretty sure they’ve had the same paint job right up until 2011.  

RIP Old Chamois Paint Job, 1969-2011.

The New Chamois paint job

Squaw is undergoing a major make over right now.  Lift towers all over the parking lot, old ticket windows are gone, new ticket windows are going up, all new paint job on everything around the Olympic House, the inside of the Olympic House is completely gutted and won’t be done until mid-December…at the earliest.  (No Wildflour until Jan!?  Nooooooooooo)

KSL is putting a lot of energy into primping up Squaw to get it ready to sell.  Flip that resort KSL, flip that resort.

We’ve got some good photos of the changes and we’ll get ‘em up shortly.

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24 replies on “Le Chamoix at Squaw Gets a New Paint Job | Will the Beer Still Taste the Same?”