Not much needs to be said here except, “no you’re a kook, don’t you ever drop in on me again”. I’ve always wondered why dropping in on “someone’s” wave is met with a reaction that’s 100 times worse than if a skier were to snake someone’s line on the hill? I mean according to Surfing Etiquette dropping in on someone is:

probably the most important part of surfing […] This blocks his ride down the line, and is extremely annoying, not to mention dangerous. If you are tempted to drop in remember this: no matter how good the wave is, if you drop in on someone you’ll feel like crap, the other surfer will be pissed, [kick your ass] and the wave will be ruined for everyone.


News flash for surfers…It’s not cool to fight someone up if they accidentally drop in on your wave. I’m mean fighting isn’t even legal in hockey, what the FU#K is wrong with surfers.

Before you leave with a bitter taste checkout two Mexico trips and watch the Unofficial Networks crew surf (and be happy).

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