volcano ash in bariloche argentina august 31, 2011
bariloche argentina volcano ash
Ash in Bariloche, Argentina. photo: miles clark

Today woulda been a pretty good south facing slopes Pow Day in Bariloche today. BUT, the volcano ash from Chile blew in and socked in the town and ski mountain. The stuff is nasty and is literally suspended glass.  We did one run to the top just to get some pictures for the website and called it.  Town is looking even worse than up here on the hill.

volcanic ash in bariloche argentinaCheck out how thick and dark the ash is…those aren’t clouds, that’s straight ash.

We’re really hoping it blows back out tomorrow or sooner.

volcanic ash in bariloche argentina august 31st, 2011There is usually a town down there…

CONDITIONS: We got a big dump two days ago that left about 2 new feet.  Yesterday, the sun came out and cooked most the snow during an incredible powder day.  Today we’ve got the ash and the sun continues to cook the snow.  Tomorrow, I’m forecasting pretty hard conditions and likely more of the nasty ash.

volcano ash in bariloche argentina august 31, 2011Looking to the West from the top of Catedral at nothing but ash.

Big storm on the horizon beginning saturday that is forecasted to go thru monday.  Could it be the Santa Rosa?  Espero que si.


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