Spring is so undeniably here that it’s almost too much now. 45F at High Camp this am at 7am. Highs in the 70s. People are starting to get over skiing and starting to enjoy other parts of California. I can’t blame ‘em. Our events in Tahoe are reflecting that trend. But, there are a coupla fun things to do this weekend:
Saturday , May 7 – Squaw Valley Luau Pool Party. Pool party with DJ at High Camp from 1-4pm. Hot tub + pool + drinks + skiing = happy humans.
Saturday, May 7 – Alpine Meadows Snow Golf Tournament. Registration 9:30am – 1pm. A nine hole course is set up all over the mountain. This actually sounds super fun to me.
Saturday , May 7 – Mt. Rose Passholder Party & Pond Skim. This one is pretty self explanatory.
Sunday, May 8 – Mad Cow Downhill. Alpine Meadows. 2pm-3pm. Basically, you just go from the top to the bottom as fast as you can via whatever route you deem worthy. Essentially, it’s Alpines version of a chinese downhill.