Marker launched the Duke a few years back with considerable fanfare. I was a hater at the time of all things Marker and decided I would wait a couple years for them to work the bugs out before investing in a pair. That was a mistake. When I finally got a pair last season my enjoyment of touring went though the roof. I had been wasting my time and effort on Trekkers and Fritschis for way too long. The Duke will get you up the hill and actually allow you to have fun skiing back down too.
There are a bunch of other options for touring bindings but for people that are bigger that 150 lbs and like to ski really hard, I am in this group, there is currently no equal. You will hear people complain about them being too heavy, but again if you like to ski hard heavy is good. How many light race bindings are there? None!
If I am going to go hike for some turns I want the turns to be worth the hike and skidding around on some light piece of junk binding just doesn’t work for me. The bottom line is that the Duke allows you to ski the way you want to ski in the BC.
Pick up the Marker Dukes at
Get some Dukes and ski some sunrises.