Tahoe TV posted this video, http://www.tahoetopia.com/news/nissan-tram-face-postponed , with a few angles of the sunday avalanche on tram face. Check it out. I had been at the bottom of the event early in the morning. Watching the Tram pass tower one, I noticed the fracture, took a second to realize how big the avalanche was and started post holing the other direction. No injuries, just some adrenaline and a couple of laughs. The slide stopped up hill of the finish.  The twenty or so people people in the finish area were a bit shaken up.  All went running for cover as a plume of white blew down on them.

Riders meeting Sunday at 5pm. Contest Monday on Silverado – start at 8:30.


The start zone and immediate aftermath of the avalanche that occured on Tram Face just prior to the contest. Officials immediately canceled the competition for the day after the slide.


Judging by the size of the people on the ridge it looked to be about a 2-3 foot crown.

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