Fox 13 Salt Lake City is reporting on a heroic family dog that protected children from a roaming mountain lion nearby.

The dog sensed the mountain lion while the children were playing in the pool. She nudged the children to go inside and they found her just minutes later on their back porch injured.

Crystal Michaelis, the mother of the children and owner of the dog, said: I believe wholeheartedly that she was protecting them because it was within seconds that they came in and this all happened,”

^The attack follows multiple cougar sightings in the Salt Lake City area.

The attack occurred at the family’s home near the Murdock Canal Trail in Cedar Hills, UT.

Fox 13 has disabled their YouTube video of the story from being shared on other sites, but you can watch the full report by clicking here.

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What a badass pooch! Her instincts to get the children inside and then face off with a mountain lion was absolutely heroic. That’s the kind of dog I would want in my corner.

Here’s hoping she has a speedy recovery and her future is filled with plenty of treats, boops, belly rubs, and ear scratches. She deserves it.

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