“Worst crash I’ve filmed; glad the homie was able to walk away from this unharmed!” -Hayden Lynch

Really happy this guy is okay after this unfortunate sequence filmed by Jackson Hole based photographer/drone pilot Hayden Lynch. The skier had massive cliff lined up and just before launching he hit a rock hidden beneath the snow which sent him careening into a tree and he fell out of control to the landing zone. Thankfully the snow was deep and he walked away unharmed:

“Shit happens in the mountains, things go wrong all the time but most people don’t see the full view on socials when clips go viral. This homie decided to send a massive cliff, which is ballsy and admirable, and unluckily caught a rock on his entrance and was unable to rebalance before catching a tree and going head first over the cliff. Somethings you can’t necessarily prepare for and this homie was lucky to walk away unharmed.

It’s sad to see iPhone clips of this crash go viral on accounts like Jerry of the Day when this couldn’t be further from a Jerry clip. I’ve seen some of the best pro skiers out here crash on high consequence lines when they were prepared and dialed in. It happens. And most athletes I know appreciate the send more than the landing.

Lots of respect to the homie for giving this a go!”

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