Throwback To That Influencer Who Climbed Over A Protective Fence At Zion For A Photo Shoot

Now that warmer months are coming to an end, it’s time to play everyone’s favorite game of “who’s the dumbest influencer from this summer!” Coming up first, we have the amazing “Zion National Park Yoga Lady”, who did the unthinkable by climbing over the safety barriers of a cliff to do some nice yoga poses! Thanks to TouronsofNationalParks for bringing us this one! What a way to get likes!

Seriously though. Don’t do this. Yes, there are climbing routes in Zion, but that means having the proper gear and actually having experience. This influencer clearly has neither the gear nor the experience.

It’s easy to say “oh, she’s just endangering herself. If she gets hurt (or worse), that’s on her. Darwin Awards!” But Search and Rescue teams risk their lives to save or recover people who wind up in deadly situations, and yoga on the edge of a cliff is a great way to create those situations.

It’s not worth the likes people! In fact, you’re probably going to get brutally ridiculed and potentially lose some if not all friends if you behave like this!

Related: Michigan Man Accused Of Drunkenly Wandering Into Yellowstone Hot Springs

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