“This bear has done this before.” –Jason Priestas

Gnarly surveillance video out of Colorado where a bear busted through a front door like it was made of balsa wood. Ohio-based radio presenter Jason Priestas shared the video commenting that this isn’t the first time this bear has pulled a B&E:

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Bear proofing a home is essential for those living in areas where bears are known to roam. Bears are strong, curious, and opportunistic animals, capable of causing significant damage if they gain access to a property. By taking precautionary measures, homeowners can protect their property and the safety of their families while coexisting with wildlife responsibly.

First and foremost, securing attractants is paramount. Bears have a powerful sense of smell, and anything that might attract them should be stored properly. This includes trash cans, bird feeders, and outdoor grills. Using bear-resistant trash cans or storing trash in a secure area can prevent bears from scavenging for food on your property.

Another critical step in bear proofing is fortifying the home itself. This involves securing all doors and windows with sturdy locks and latches. Bears have been known to break into homes through flimsy barriers, so investing in heavy-duty materials is crucial. Additionally, installing motion-activated lights can deter bears from approaching the premises during nighttime.

If a garden or fruit trees are present on the property, electric fencing can be employed to protect them. Bears may be tempted by easily accessible food sources, and an electric fence can discourage them from entering the area.

In regions with frequent bear activity, it’s beneficial to install bear-proof enclosures for outdoor livestock or pets. These enclosures should be sturdy and designed to prevent bears from entering and causing harm to animals or property.

Furthermore, educating the entire household about bear safety is essential. Teach everyone about the risks associated with bears and how to respond appropriately if one is encountered. Knowledge of bear behavior and the importance of keeping a safe distance can help prevent potentially dangerous encounters.

Bear proofing a home is not only about safeguarding property; it is also about protecting these magnificent animals. When bears become accustomed to human food sources, they may lose their natural fear of humans, leading to increased conflicts and potential harm to the bears themselves.

In conclusion, bear proofing a home is a responsible and proactive approach to coexisting with wildlife. By securing attractants, fortifying the home, using electric fencing, and educating the household, homeowners can minimize the likelihood of bear encounters and promote a safer environment for both humans and bears alike.

More from Colorado Parks & Wildlife on bear proofing homes HERE.

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