Every summer, bear break-ins become a serious issue across the country. While bear breaking and entering is of course dangerous and damaging for homeowners, bears are often at an even greater risk. It is common practice when a bear is caught within a home to euthanize the animal. This year alone, the popular ski town of Steamboat Springs, CO has euthanized 4 bears according to Sky-Hi News. Notably, the viral window-hanging bear was killed following this incident.
While there are numerous tips for keeping bears safe and out of the home, a lesser-known bear-proofing trick is the unwelcome mat. While the name may make it sound like an introvert’s dream product, unwelcome mats are a method for protecting doorways from these beautiful beasts. These mats can be made out of plywood using nails or screws or they can be electrified. They are designed to deliver immediate pain while causing no injuries or impacts to the heath of the bear. Fortunately for handy homeowners, these useful mats are actually DIY. You can read the instructions for both of the electric and non-electric unwelcome mats at Bear Smart Durango.
As an Unofficial Reminder, never approach wildlife of any kind. It is the responsibility of humankind to keep our animal brethren safe. We all know what Smokey the Bear says about wildfires, but it is also up to you to let Smokey live his life in peace. Keep your property as bear-proof as possible by limiting its attractiveness to bears. If you do experience an unfortunate break-in, contact the local wildlife services immediately. Let’s do everything we can to keep bears wild!
Want to see an electric unwelcome mat in action? Check out the video below of a near bear break-in at Lake Tahoe, CA:
Photos and Video Courtesy of Tahoe Bear Busters