You know wha really grinds my gears? People with no understanding of how lift-lines work. If you can’t figure out that you’re supposed to start at the back of the line, you should be required to take some pretty intense lessons.

If you’re actively choosing to skip through a lift-line, though, shoving your way past everyone, you should be permanently banned from every ski lift in the world. This guy, for example, should be given the “slimiest person on the ski resort” award.

The fact that he took it one step further and posted the video blows my mind. Obviously the person who posted this video to Reddit isn’t the original skier, but the original skier still decided to hit record and not delete the footage immediately after taking it. Mind boggling, for sure.

Skiing through queue
by u/Stalin7_77 in iamatotalpieceofshit

Image Credit: u/Stalin7_77 via Reddit


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