Big Sky Resort in Montana has begun construction on a new tram, which will carry more guests than its predecessor. The new tram will go from around the base terminal of the Powder Seeker Six lift and end at the summit of Lone Peak. Eventually, a new gondola will be constructed for the base terminal of the new tram. In a construction update video from last week, Big Sky Resort described the work on the bottom terminal to the tram, which is nine thousand feet above sea level.
So far, the Jackson Contractor Group has excavated more than 10,000 cubic yards of rock to create the foundation for the bottom terminal. Other parts of the project that have been completed so far include creating the new construction and snowcat access roads, and the electric wiring has been installed under the surface. Frost walls, which protect the foundation during the freeze-thaw cycles, are currently being poured. After that, the slab on grade, the 20-foot architectural walls, and the bollards will be built.
Tim Lyner, the Senior Superintendent for Jackson Contractor Group, said the following about working on the bottom terminal.
“There is an army of individuals involved from the design team. This takes into account architectural design, structural engineering, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, as well as about 80 craftspeople physically working on-site here this summer.”
When the 2022-23 season concludes, Big Sky will finish the concrete work, and then have Garaventa install the tram. The new tram is expected to open during the 2023-24 season.
Image/Video Credits: Big Sky Resort, Skylab Media House