“A lot of people grew up here skiing at the Winter Park and remember riding on the old T-bar and now their kids or their grandkids might be interested in skiing, so they want it there for the next generation so, it’s about giving back from one generation to the next.” Dan Fett, President on the Bottineau Winter Park Board.

If you’re looking to support a local ski area, here’s another great opportunity to do so. Bottineau Winter Park in North Dakota is looking to replace its forty-year-old t-bar, which has reached the end of its operational life. The new t-bar will cost $600,000, and they have raised $400,000 so far. Some of the advantages of adding the new t-bar include that it will have a fifty-year operational life, it will lead to shorter lift lines, give accessibility to more trails, it’s faster than their current t-bar, and it will be able to run during high-wind and low-temperature days.

Donations can be sent to the following address:

Bottineau Winter Park
Attn: T-Bar project
PO Box 168
Bottineau, ND 58318
Donations can also be sent to the above address via pledge cards, which are pictured below.

Mountain Stats:

Trails: 9

Lifts: 7

Night Skiing: Yes  (100% coverage)

Snow Tubing: Yes

Location: Bottineau, North DakotaImage Credits: Bottineau Winter Park

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