A hotel in northern China has created an army of 100 snowmen using a modified excavator, and the result is really cool. The hotel used to make the display by hand, but using the industrial excavator surely sped the process up.

It would be a little bit creepy to walk through this army of snowmen at night though, wouldn’t it? Like, what if they all came to life at night? Frosty The Snowmen sounds like a nice and happy song, but what if this army of snowmen decided they wanted to take vengeance on humans for climate change?

Consider me a fan of viewing these snowmen only during broad daylight. Call me stupid, but I’m too paranoid to go wondering through their ranks under the moonlight…

From Newsflare: “A hotel in northern China used diggers to build more than 100 snowmen. Video captured in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province on December 3 shows a digger making snow into balls and another digger then lifting the smaller snowballs up to place them onto the bigger snowballs to build the snowmen. According to a hotel employee, they used spent lots of time and energy building the snowmen manually. But this year they modified the diggers to produce the snowmen mechanically. More than 100 snowmen have been built in three days and they have placed them in front of the hotel to attract tourists. The video was provided by local media with permission.”

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