This summer, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, creators of the popular television show “South Park” indicated that they were purchasing the iconic “Casa Bonita” restaurant in Lakewood, CO. The “eatertainment” establishment is a Mexican restaurant with entertainment such as mariachi bands, cliff divers, arcades, and some elements that resemble an amusement park.
The restaurant had filed for bankruptcy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parker and Stone came to an agreement to purchase the restaurant for $3.1 million, re-hire its staff, and restore the quirky Mexican restaurant to its glory.
The sale hit a snag when a local group called Save Casa Bonita objected to the sale. Save Casa Bonita intended to purchase some of the restaurant’s debts and to raise funds to outbid Parker and Stone by $400,000. When purchasing a business that is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the court seeks to maximize the sale value of the business in question. The court had to respect the possibility of a higher offer.
Well, according to a report from 9 News, Save Casa Bonita has withdrawn its objection. This clears the way for Parker and Stone to complete the purchase of the restaurant. Hopefully, the duo can act swiftly to reopen the doors of this storied restaurant. Next time we are in Lakewood, we will certainly be eyeing up a visit to Casa Bonita.
Images From: Casa Bonita Denver Facebook Page, Kyle Broflovski Facebook Page, Zimbio Facebook Page